10 Simple Tips to Look Beautiful Without Makeup
Do you spend hours every day in front of the mirror to look beautiful? While makeup is a fun way of expressing yourself and enhancing your features, you don’t need to rely on it as a crutch to define your beauty.
A bare, natural look not only allows your authenticity to shine through but it’s also the best thing you can carry around. Well, is it possible to ditch your morning routine some days and still end up looking drop-dead gorgeous?
The answer is a straight out yes! We have a few simple tips for you to let your beauty shine through while you go au naturel.
How To Look Beautiful Without Makeup?
Frankly speaking, it’s all about your insides and how well you look after yourself. Yes! You need to be mindful of essential aspects of your diet, your habits, your lifestyle and your skincare routine. If you have even one of these elements messed up, the effects will inevitably reflect on your health and your overall appearance. Let’s look at the tips!
1. Skip The Mascara!
Curl your eyelashes to make your eyes look wider. If you want longer lashes, you can apply almond oil or coconut oil to your lashes before hitting the sheets every night. You can also brush them in the morning with a coat of Vaseline for that voluminous look.
2. Exfoliation is the Key
“At least once a week, exfoliate to remove dead skin cells, leaving your face with that glow you’ve always wanted”, recommends Dr. Rahul Nagar, Dermatologist, Max Hospitals.
Never scrub too hard, because it leaves the skin feeling irritated. If you don’t possess an exfoliator, just add granulated sugar to your cleanser and scrub gently to get smooth skin. It works wonders!3. H20 Please!
Drink hot water with lemon in the morning to flush out the toxins from your body and leave you feeling hydrated.
3. Make Sunscreen Mandatory
Sunscreen is not an option. The Sun’s UVA, UVB and UVC rays are the primary cause of premature aging of the skin. If you follow this one simple step, you will thank yourself in the future. It helps prevent dark spots and hyper-pigmentation.
SPF which is the ‘sun protection factor’ determines how well the sunscreen will protect you. Dermatologists recommend that you wear a minimum of an SPF 30 before stepping out.
4. Pimple Trouble
The number one rule to dealing with pimples is to stop touching it. Yes, we’re all guilty about this habit but we desperately need to stop picking at pimples or rubbing the forehead. Just let your skin breathe, girls.
5. The Golden Rule
Every single time you wash your face, follow it up with a moisturiser and a sunscreen before you leave the house. “If you have marks on your skin, mix lacto calamine lotion with your sunscreen.”
Along with fading away blemishes, it also helps treat acne and dry skin”, suggests Dr. V. P. Kaushik, a Delhi-based Dermatologist. If you are prone to pimples, use a non-oily moisturiser and if you have dry skin, opt for heavier moisturisers containing coconut or shea butter.
6. Groom Yourself
“Perfectly shaped brows frame your face, pull your features into focus and give an instantaneous lift, so don’t neglect them“, advises make-up artist Mrignaina Kumar.
7. Stick to The Basics
Good skin is the best foundation, so if you decide to go makeup free, stay true to your skincare regime. Cleanse regularly, and spritz with rose water twice a day for that fresh look. Use toner, as it helps restore pH balance of your skin. If you focus on good skin care, you really won’t need makeup.
8. For that Million Dollar Smile
Exfoliate your lips by gently rubbing a dampened toothbrush and hydrate with a lip balm to get rid of cracked lips. Since a beautiful smile helps your face look young and luminous, make sure you give your lips and teeth the attention they deserve.
Brush at least twice a day, and when you have some extra time on your hands – add baking powder to your toothbrush and brush for whiter teeth. Just like Marilyn Monroe said, “A smile is the best makeup any girl can wear“.
9. The Quintessential 8 by 8 Rule
Drink 8 glasses of water and sleep 8 hours at night to let the skin repair and restore on its own. Doing so would also keep a check on dark circles. Love yourself enough to live a healthy lifestyle.
10. Shampoo Time
Shampoo your hair every other day to prevent the hair and skin from becoming greasy. You can also style your hair; straighten, curl, tie it up in a plat or a bun – use your imagination – because if you’re having a good hair day, you can handle anything.
Still not convinced to take a makeup free vacation and feel liberated? Luckily for you, we’ve compiled DIY makeup products that are 100% natural and can be made in the comfort of your home. Don’t believe us? Check out these 4 ideas you’ll absolutely adore.
1. Beetroot Blush On, Anyone?
Yes, it’s true. You can apply this miracle food to your cheeks for that rosy touch. All you need is beetroot, but if your wish to customize the shade – you can add cocoa powder for a darker colour and arrowroot powder for a lighter shade. Also, you can add ginger powder for a shimmery finish.
Here’s the recipe for beetroot powder: Boil a few beets, then peel them and cut into thin strips. Now, dehydrate them using an oven at 140 F with the door open. You can also use a dehydrator. After 8-10 hours they will be fully dehydrated, so grind using a food processor and voila. Your DIY blush on is ready!
2. Bronzer, The Best Friend
What do you need? 1 tbsp cinnamon powder for that glow you’ve always wanted, 1 tsp cocoa powder for bronzing, 1 tsp nutmeg powder for a sun-kissed look, 2 tsp arrowroot powder to lighten it (optional), few drops of lavender or rosemaryessential oil to thicken it. Just mix the ingredients in a bowl until smooth and then add to an empty container.
3. “Put on Some Red Lipstick and Live a Little”.
This DIY lip stain is so simple. Grind pomegranate seeds into a juice, then add some coconut oil and apply to your lips.
4. Organic Foundation
This smooth finish organic foundation is like moisturiser, foundation and sunscreen all in one. Here’s the recipe:
You need 3 tbsp coconut oil, 2 tbsp shea butter, 1 tbsp cocoa butter, 1 tbsp beeswax, 1/8th tablet vitamin E, 1 tbsp zinc oxide, cinnamon and cocao powder. Combine first 5 ingredients in a double boiler, and stir occasionally until melted. Remove from heat and allow to cool.
Now add zinc oxide giving you a 20 SPF coverage plus cinnamon and whisk to combine. Add cocoa powder a little at a time and whisk till you obtain the colour of your skin tone. Now, pour into a container, allow to cool and voila! You have your DIY foundation.
Image Source: Unsplash
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