6 Effective Kettlebell Exercises
Build strength and efficiently work the muscles in the legs, shoulders, and lower back by exercising with the squat cast-iron weights. 6 Effective Kettlebell Exercises!
Want an exercise regimen with ironclad results? Pick up this cannonball-like weight. The handle lets you swing it, so you can rev up your heart rate while challenging multiple muscle groups.
Move 1: Jump SquatsMove 1: Swing
(A) Begin with your feet hip distance apart, both hands on the handle.
(B) Bend your knees and hinge from your hips to swing the kettlebell between your legs.
(C) Straighten your legs and swing the kettlebell to chin height. Repeat for 90 seconds, creating momentum in the swing. (Let your gluteals and hamstrings, not your shoulders, do the work.)
Move 1: Jump SquatsMove 2: Clean to Rack
(A) Begin with your feet hip distance apart. Hold the top of the handle with your right hand, palm facing you. Squat and lower the kettlebell below your knees.
(B) In one motion, stand and curl the kettlebell to your chest, allowing the weight to rotate toward your right. This is “rack” position. Lower and repeat for 30 seconds, then switch sides.
Move 3: Push Press
(A) Begin in rack position, with the bell in your right hand. Place your left hand on top of your right.
(B) Lower into a squat, bending your knees to 90 degrees.
(C) Straighten your legs and press your right arm overhead, releasing your left hand from the bell; rotate your wrist to turn your palm forward. Return to rack position. Repeat for 30 seconds, then switch sides.
Move 4: Chop Lunge
(A) Begin in rack position, with the bell in your right hand. Place your left hand on top of your right.
(B) In one motion, step your left leg forward into a lunge, twist to the left, and lower the kettlebell to your left hip. As you step back, bring the bell to the starting position. Repeat for 30 seconds, then switch sides.
Move 5: Lateral Lunge and Biceps Curl
(A) Stand with your feet together. Hold the kettlebell with your right hand, arm down at your side, palm facing you.
(B) Step your left leg to the side in a lunge as you hinge forward and lower the kettlebell to shin height.
(C) Curl the kettlebell up, keeping your wrist straight. Lower the kettlebell back down, then step your left leg back to the starting position. Repeat for 30 seconds, then switch sides (right leg lunging and left arm curling).
Move 6: Halo
(A) Begin with your feet hip distance apart. Grab the kettlebell with the weight facing up, hands on both sides of the handle. Hold it at chest height.
(B) Lift the kettlebell to the right side of your face and slowly circle it behind your head to the left side
(C). Repeat for 60 seconds, continuously alternating directions.
Source: Real Simple, Image Credit: Unsplash
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